My Fridge STAYS Empty With Three Kids

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How is it that children can eat one meal and MAYBE two snacks during an eight-hour school day; but when they’re at home, they want to eat every 30 minutes?

The math isn’t adding up.

As I’m playing my role of makeshift homeschool teacher, I know that I’m going to hear those dreaded six words after almost every completed assignment.

“Mommy, can I have food, please?”

Food? It’s 9 a.m.! And you already ate breakfast and a snack! Let’s not forget to mention that breakfast was multiple bowls of cereal with bacon and potatoes.

I remember one morning, my 3-year-old had four bowls of cereal. FOUR! And he finished the milk every time.

And you think a 1-year-old would cut you slack in the grocery area. HA! That one eats the most. He has one tooth; but even before he did, he’d be gnawing down meat. He literally takes food off the plate of his brothers.

Where does it all go? They surely didn’t inherit that fast metabolism from me.

So, although we’re saving some money from not driving all around town, my grocery bill has skyrocketed. SKYROCKETED!

We try to get the groceries we need without hoarding, but we’re still going to the grocery store at least once a week. It’s probably more like twice a week.

I’m cooking about every other day since leftovers only last for half of the following day, and all snacks get lower every time I blink.

And that’s with three boys ages 6 and under. At this rate, I’ll have to take out a small business loan to keep the refrigerator and pantry full when they’re teens.

We even bought a deep freezer to store some extras. But usually when I open up that white ice chest, the empty compartments look back at me like, “Ain’t no extras, triiiiiick!” LOL!

How in the world do you parents and guardians do it?

And don’t tell me to get my kids on a schedule because they’ll still ask for food in between activities. If you tell them to wait, you’d think that CPS would come knocking down my door with the whining and groaning that is sure to follow.

Attention everyone not made out of money: Tell me the secret. Give me all the coupon tricks, fill me in on all the secret discount stores and spill all the bulk shopping tea.

If you don’t, I might go bankrupt, and that bankruptcy will be on your head. HA!

That’s what I’ll be doing in this week’s video. I’m gathering bulk shopping tips and tricks and sharing them with you all. You’re welcome! See you Friday!

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