Oh What a Difference a Trim Makes!

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There is a lot of hair advice out there. I mean… a lot. Just a simple search on Google will have you thinking that you need Monistat and Preparation H on your scalp to help it grow.

I’ve had my share of trials and errors. I’ve had setbacks upon setbacks. I’ve cut it, weaved it, braided it, relaxed it, texlaxed it and became a lazy natural.

I’m not going to recommend products unless I’ve tried them. I’m also not in the business of suggesting hair techniques unless I have personally benefited from them.

So, hear me when I say that you need to make sure that you get your hair trimmed properly.

“Naaah… hair will grow regardless, so a trim is unnecessary.”

Your hair will absolutely grow regardless, but so will a lawn full of weeds, so make sure you’re growing a healthy head of hair—not just strands that sadly whisk in the wind.

You’ve seen it before. The people who have hair down their back, only to realize that the hair is really to their shoulder blades and the rest is a see-through mess.

Get. Your. Hair. Trimmed. Sis! (And I don’t even like saying “sis,” so you know it’s real.)

Take it from me. I hadn’t had a trim in YEARS. I would snip a little off here and there if anything looked egregious, but I didn’t have a professional trim me up in at least 10 years.

In June, I documented my first silk press and trim, and let me tell you…that trim was a game changer!

Detangling my hair has always been a hot mess in this journey to grow the best mane possible. I finally was able to find aloe vera juice, which help melt away the tangles significantly. However, it still took about three hours to detangle it all. (And that’s with a wide-tooth comb…not a fine-toothed one.)

Mix that with pregnancy hair growth followed by post-partum shedding, and I had a mess on my hands. (By the way, my postpartum shedding SNATCHED my edges away, as always. But that’s another update for another day.)

Anyways, I knew my ends looked a bit arthritic, but I didn’t equate that to my tangling issues.

Now that it’s seen a month after my salon visit, I can truly say that my ends were definitely more of a problem than I thought. 🤔

I don’t spend too much time with knots, my ends aren’t snapping off, and my hair doesn’t gather in a tangle at the bottom.

I know detangling will become more of a chore as my hair transforms back into its natural kinky state. At least it’ll be more like a friendly tug o’ war, rather than an all-out fight to the finish. 🥊

Please be warned: Not all stylists know how to trim properly. You could leave with your hair more snarled if you sit in the wrong person’s seat. Do your research. Look at his/her portfolio, and make a decision from there.

The lady I found used a white cape to get a good look at all the damaged areas. (A black cape can camouflage the damage of dark hair.) She also knew exactly where to cut in order to get rid of the damage while maintaining maximum length.

The general recommendation is to get a trim every three to four months. I only got one so far, and I can’t guarantee when the second one will be. LOL. Please believe that checking out the health of my ends will be an added part of my regimen, though.

Your ends are the oldest part of your hair. Treat it gently with that in mind.

And just like anything in life, if it’s causing you to stumble or not attain your goals, cut it off. #ThatPart

Watch my latest hair video, which goes into more detail about my postpartum shedding issues.

  • Grace
    July 9, 2019

    “Your ends are the oldest part of your hair. Treat it gently with that in mind.”

    Good point! Never throught of it like that.
    I just got a trim today and my hair and I are very grateful!

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