These 20 Things May be Killing Your Marriage

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Why didn’t someone tell me that I missed a post last week? I was so caught up with life that I forgot to get on here. No worries! I’m back AT it this week, and we’re talking about some marriage killers. Marriage is a beautiful journey filled with love, companionship and shared dreams. Yet, like ...

The “MRS” Degree Debate

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One topic that keeps making its round back into the forefront of conversation, especially pertaining to Black women, is the idea of pursuing the "MRS" degree in college. The term "MRS" degree traditionally refers to the idea that some women attend college primarily to find a spouse, often with the expectation of marrying shortly after ...

10 Ways to Strengthening Your Marriage Connection with Emotional Intimacy

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Call me crazy, but in a relationship, emotional connection is so much more important than the physical connection.  Now, don’t get me wrong. Physical connection is definitely important. That’s usually how the connection is made anyways. But relying solely on the physical isn’t how a relationship lasts. “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a ...

The Secret to Thicker, Healthier Hair

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There’s something about thick hair that makes every woman want to drool. And women with thick hair want thicker hair. What kind of sick game is this? HA! Well, let me tell you something. 🌱 Thick hair comes in two parts: the thickness of your individual hair strand (coarse or fine) and how many of those ...

Money-Saving Tips for the Everyday Mom

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Juggling a whole bunch of  responsibilities while maintaining a household budget isn’t easy; and saving money is essential for financial security and providing the best for your family.  I tried my hand at being an extreme couponer. (And by tried my hand, I mean, I clipped a few things here and there and prayed for the ...