Dumpster Diving… My New Low

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On my intro page, I mentioned how my pregnancy cravings haven’t been too crazy. But when they hit… they hit!

The most shameful experience was when I cooked turkey burgers for my husband. For some reason, I thought I wasn’t that hungry, so I didn’t make any for myself. I decided that a few strips of turkey bacon would suffice for me.

As I saw my husband devour his burgers, my son was letting me know that we also needed a piece of the action. I asked for the last few bites of my husband’s burger, and he kindly gave it to me.

This is where the breakdown of communication began…

I took one bite and thought, “A little ketchup and the remaining pieces of my turkey bacon would set this burger OFF!” I mean, I had a burger dance, I was singing the burger song, and everything. Oh you don’t know what the burger song is? Here you go: (I was singing it without the mild cursing, of course. Ha!)

My mouth was watering just thinking about what I was about to partake.

As I turned around with my prized bacon in hand, I saw my husband throw away my coveted burger bites. All of a sudden, everything was in slow motion, and I heard myself screaming a cinematic, “NOOOOOOOOOO!”

My husband looked at me as if I were crazy, “What’s the problem? You weren’t done with that?”
“Of course not! I was in the middle of the burger song,” I thought to myself.

Dumpster Diver

Not even mad atcha, bro…

But for some reason, I couldn’t get my burger craving to go away. Well past the five-second rule, I looked to see if the burger made a clean drop into the trash can with no other particles on it.

My husband said, “You’re not actually going to get it from the trash, are you?” And at that moment, I saw myself reaching in for the three bites of burger that was left.

And you know what? I still put my turkey bacon on it, and it tasted GREAT! ::shrug::

  • Fan
    August 15, 2013

    Haha. Wow this is crazy. We want more!

    • HOPEsaidit
      August 15, 2013

      HA! Thanks. I post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 😉

  • DMtika
    November 2, 2013

    LOL!!! You are hilarious.

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