Are You… Ummm… Pre… I Mean… With Child?

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"Baby Fat" shirt

This shirt is definitely on my wish list

Probably the funniest interactions I have had in my 20+ years of living are with those who are trying to ask me if I’m pregnant.

Let me tell you, I’ve had my faux pas involving those who I thought were pregnant, but really weren’t. ๐Ÿ˜• So I understand why people tip-toe around the question. However, that doesn’t make it any less funnier.

At church, one of the men in my ministry snuck up behind me and silently asked, “Hope, are you… eating for two?” (Let me preface this by saying that I really haven’t told anyone at church about my pregnancy. I guess I figure word of mouth will get around to everyone in due time.) So anyways, after he asked the question, I turned to him slowly with the most appalled look I could muster up, and said, “Oh my goodness! NO!!! What made you ask that?” You would have thought he’d seen a ghost the way he froze and stared. “Just kidding!” I later added, “I’m due in December.”

My line for those who haven’t seen me in a while and want to inquire if I’m pregnant is, “Gosh NO! But thanks for saying that I’m gaining weight!”

And then there was this one time when my husband and I were at a gathering. One of his friends said to him, “Now… am I wrong or did I see on Facebook that you two were expecting a child?” I could have had a little fun with this one too, but the question wasn’t really directed at me. You could see from how he fumbled to ask the question that it was already an uncomfortable question to ask. Later, he even confirmed that he was sitting there for a while contemplating a way to ask in the appropriate manner.

Oh, people. You make me laugh. Yes, I’m pregnant. And after I have the baby, yes, you will lie and say how all the baby weight came melting off within days. It’s as simple as that. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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