The Continent of Africa is Bleeding

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You probably read the title of this and thought, “Dramatic much?” Usually, yes; but this time, I’m not being dramatic enough. There are hashtags spreading like wildfire across the globe that are bringing awareness and calling for change to the deplorable treatment of African citizens. Please research what’s happening in Congo, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Cameroon, Namibia ...

Decisions, Decisions: COVID Schooling 101

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I haven’t talked about parenting in a while. You know why? It’s been struggleville in the area of schooling. Kids are finally starting to settle into their new normal; but trying to make all that happen while juggling everything else has been something else. And parents are tired. As schools reopened this fall amid the coronavirus pandemic, ...

How to Graduate College with No Debt

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When you graduate from high school, you can follow three main paths in life: go to school, get a job or enlist in the military. (I guess you could be a mooch too, but… ewww.) I decided to continue my education by going to college. And I did it without going into debt. In fact, the ...

Texlaxed or Natural Hair? (From One Who Knows)

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Most of the people who read my blog posts or follow my videos did so in my texlaxed days. At the time, there were a lot of people educating others about natural and relaxed hair, but texlaxed hair wasn’t so popular. Texlaxing, mildly relaxing your hair so that there is still texture left in it, was ...

Expating the Right Way

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While some people consider the United States of America their dream land, some citizens are ditching it to start life afresh in another country.  Those people are called expatriates, or expats—people who decide to move somewhere other than their native country. The move could be for a number of reasons. The top ones I’ve heard are better ...

90 Day Fiancé: Rules for International Dating

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It’s time for a “90-Day Fiancé” update!  If you don’t know what that is by now, shame on you! As I’ve told you on multiple occasions, “90 Day Fiancé” is a show about people who hit the internet to find their soulmate. Not just any soulmate—one from another country. So, depending on the franchise you’re watching, ...

Would You Have a Wi-Fi Wedding?

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Remember back in the day when online dating used to raise brows? I guess it still does for some people, but it’s not too alarming anymore to hear that a couple met through a website or on social media. I had a conversation the other day that let me know that people are taking this online ...

Black Hairstyles for Boys

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Before I had kids, I thought worrying about hair was a “girl” thing. Wash days, detangling, barrettes, the fuss… I could do without. It’s one of the reasons I wanted boys, actually. I thought they’d be carefree, easy-going, fun and provide minimal clothing and hair maintenance. All except for the minimal hair maintenance has proven to be ...