Here We Are Again… Fitness Fail

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I know you all are sick of hearing it because I’m sick of saying it over and over again. You think I like to fail multiple times at things?

So… I need to get it tight and right again. (Let’s all roll our eyes together on the count of three. )

I’m so sick of being back at square one that things HAVE to be different this time.

I feel like I need to find the root cause of why I love food so much. And sometimes I really REALLY like it and eat way too much of it.

I tried almost every combination of calorie counting, keto, clean eating, cleanses, etc. Oh, they work. It’s maintenance that gets me every time.

I’ll hit my goal, get comfortable, eat a cookie and slowly see myself backsliding right back into Fluffville.

It’s like dealing with an addiction! I think I’m addicted to sugar and carbs (which are basically the worst things to eat in excess).

I can’t “have a little piece of” anything. One sweet treat turns into four. One bag of chips turns into three. One bowl of pasta? Nope! Two please.

I wish my money would multiply like this…

Now that I know better, I have to do better. I have to cut myself off.

I’m not eating sweet treats or heavy carbs. I’m not necessarily doing keto (although it does work like a charm) because I want lasting results. I’m just watching my carbs and eating as clean as I can.

And what goes great with a balanced diet? Ahhh yes. Exercise. Another thing I’ve slacked on.

Failure is not the opposite of success. It’s part of success.

So, I’m back on the Jillian Michaels train. It’s a love-hate relationship really. I love the results, but I hate the process (and annoying voice) that pushes me there.

The 30-Day Shred is back in rotation. It takes about 20 minutes to do, and well… I already detailed it here and here.

I got results from the workouts after the birth of my first and second son. For my third son, I settled for looking right, not tight and right. So, although I looked less inflated and more decent in clothes (right), I never reached the desired level of muscle and fat loss (tight and right). 💪🏾

It’s time to get tight and right, though. No more square one. This will be a lifestyle from now on, dangit! Even that time I was griping about gaining corona weight didn’t motivate me for long.

But that’s all in the past. I’m on day five of eating a low-carbish, cleanish diet while doing my workouts. In fact, I didn’t post this blog post on time because I decided to work out with the little time I had last night, rather than meeting my blogging deadline. (#Growth?)

It takes 21 days to create a habit, right? I’m on day five. Seeing it written out like that is discouraging, but I’ll be there in no time.

Don’t yo-yo fitness shame me. Love me for who I am—a sinner saved by grace. LOL! And I’ll need a lot of grace these next couple of months because I’m sure I’ll have highs and lows as I continue in my journey to stay fit and fabulous. 💅🏾

That’s what I’m talking about in this week’s video. All those who have fallen off the bandwagon multiple times, gather here!

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