When to Take the Leap into Entrepreneurship

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Adulting just gets harder and harder, huh?

As if marriage doesn’t already have its occasional challenges, we recently took things a step further and intermingled business with personal.

That’s right. My husband and I are business partners.

Brandon has been saying he wants to own his own business since I met him. I thought the entrepreneurship bug left him when we got married, but it reared its head again toward the end of last year.

I said, “I thought you wanted to become an executive-level business person?”

He replied, “I did. Then, I realized that I could bust my butt for myself and set my own pay instead of some company low-balling my talent while they profit millions.”

Can’t argue with that I suppose…

He started a business at the beginning of this year. Actually, we both did, but I’m focusing on him for now. HA!

And now it has come to a crossroads. We can stay the course and keep some change coming in on the side or go full throttle and see the business’ full potential.

But what about benefits? We have three kids to take care of. And what about the security of a steady income?

Those thoughts all went through my mind as I knew he was getting more serious to take the plunge out of corporate and into entrepreneurship.

I’ve seen that “laser-focused” look before. It was the same look he had when he told me it was time to move to another home while I was pregnant with my third son.

Seeing nothing wrong with our current situation, I pushed back.

 “You said we’d be here for at least five years! It’s not even three yet.”

“No, babe. I feel that we need to move now. We need the space, and the market is right.”

Well, his instinct was right.

We found a place within our budget with more room, and I’ve had no complaints.

But this leap is much bigger than moving residences. It’s an entire life change.

We’ve talked often about when to finally go full time with entrepreneurship, how to prepare for that and any fallback plans we need in place.

But as much as you talk, you have to actually do it at some point.

When’s a good time for that?

What’s a smart way to chase your dream?

I feel like no matter how careful you try to be, there will always be some kind of risk associated with it. It’s your drive, work ethic, hustle and, of course, quality product/service, that will determine your success.

I often think of an aspiring rapper when I contemplate this scenario.

Imagine selling mixtapes out of a trunk while your spouse takes an office job to make ends meet. At what point (if ever) do you decide that you won’t get your big break?

Going too long without making progress could put stress on your relationship and negatively impact finances. Not going long enough could cost you the opportunity that maybe would have eventually led to success.

If my husband and I were fresh into our careers and childless, this would be a no-brainer.

But we’re more settled and have other responsibilities to consider. Hooray for adulting!

 Anyways, that’s this week’s topic. Side hustles are great; but if you’re using it as a stepping stone to launch your full-time business, when is a good time to cut the cord of your corporate job?

I want to hear your thoughts on this, and I’ll ask my husband to make an appearance in this week’s video to discuss all your feedback and his insights.

Talk to you soon!

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