Jealous Much?

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You Jelly, Bro?Have you ever noticed that only a handful of people are TRULY happy for you if you have great news to share?

Think about it.

How many times have you rolled your eyes at a Facebook status about a someone else’s recent engagement, wedding, pregnancy, new job, pay raise, etc.? 🙄

If you say never, you’re probably lying. But even if I were to believe you, it’s probably because you’re content with life at the moment. That’s a word everyone needs to add to their vocabulary—contentment.

I hate to admit it, but I still struggle with contentment at times. 😳

I remember a couple years ago when I was eager to change my job situation. My search wasn’t very fruitful and dare I say that I actually got turned down for a position (I know… the nerve). That night, I logged onto Facebook to be nosy (isn’t that the only reason people use Facebook these days anyways?) and saw a status that said something like: “OMG! I’m SOOOOO proud of my team! I have the bestest job ever and I’m the luckiest girl in the world! SOOOOO blessed to be part of this organization!”

I actually downplayed the amount of words, mush, and exclamation points that were in the real status. All I really remember is that the update was annoying to read.

“How about you take your happy-go-lucky self and sit down somewhere!” 😡

But looking back, I should have been happy that someone else was happy. I should have been grateful to have a job and know that God is faithful enough to eventually put me in a position where I could update my status with all caps and exclamation marks too. 🙂

Life isn’t always going to work out your way, but don’t be the sour puss that won’t delight in other people’s good news just because you’re in a less-than-desirable situation.

Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep.
– Romans 12:15

God has a special plan for you. So stop worrying and being jealous of how He’s blessing others and focus on what you need to do to get your blessing too. 😀

  • Grace
    February 16, 2014

    Hahahaaa! So true! You really captured the real emotions lol…too funny.

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