Finding My Purpose

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It’s a somber day for me today because I just found out that one of my coworkers passed away early this morning. She was battling breast cancer for a few years, and it later spread to infect her liver.

I know everyone starts scrambling for nice words to say about a person when he or she dies, but I don’t need to make up anything about her. She was seriously the nicest person I have ever met in my life. Not that kind of nice that can be turned on or off—she had a gentle spirit about her. When you talked to her, you automatically changed your demeanor because she was just a calming soul. Even going through chemo and losing her hair, she would explain how she would do devotionals, and the underlying message would be “rejoice”—and so that’s the attitude she kept.

She left behind a husband and two sons, so please keep them in your prayers. Even though she’s spiritually in a much better place right now, it can still be hard to deal with her physical absence.

I’m kind of numb really. No one’s really talking in the office. I mean, what is there to say?

Don't Waste Your Life

I Corinthians 6:19-20

Ironically, we’re doing a Bible series on “Discovering Your Destiny” at church. By the end of the study, we hope to be a little closer to finding and tapping into the reason God put us on this earth.

This recent death had me realizing how short life is. What if God calls me home and He’s just shaking His head at all the great things He had in store for me, but I never got around to doing?

I don’t like letting my parents down, and I certainly don’t want my Heavenly Father to be disappointed in me either.

All I know is that I love (and am actually good at) communications—writing, editing, video, producing, voiceovers, and I’m actually getting the hang of this “on camera” business. But how do I use any of these things in the way God wants me to? That’s the part I still need to figure out… 😕

Only God knows if my coworker lived her life to its full potential, but I do know that she definitely did impact every life she came across. I don’t know if that can be said of me right now, and that’s what I need to work on.

This blog post probably won’t get many reads or reblogs or likes or comments because… well… it hits a little too deep for some of you. But as with anything I post on here, I said it because it was on my mind, and it’s something a lot of you should think about also.

  • Chiquita E Singleton
    October 15, 2013


    Let me first start off by saying that I am sorry to hear about the lost of your co worker. I know how hard it is to lose someone both in expectance and unexpectedly. And, I know exactly where you are as you ponder thoughts of what your purposes are in life, and if your desires could ever line up with what God desires for your life. Although life appears to be short lived, I DO believe that every individual who have passed has fulfilled their purpose within that span. It may not always be something extravagant, but subtle. Kind of like the grace that your co worker left behind on the people that she encountered. She obviously provoked you (and I’m sure others) to think about where you are in life so that necessary adjustments could be made in your own lives. And I’m sure the impression was even greater on her husband and two children.

    As for using what you love to do to glorify God, I know that clarity in this area will come with much prayer. But just know that God can use you right where you are with the gifts that you possess, to touch the people who surround you. You don’t have to try to figure that out. Just remain open and available to be used.

    🙂 Secondly, I’m Chiquita. Daniel and Grace told me a lot about you. I grew curious, so Grace gave me this link in an attempt to pacify my curiosity. 🙂 I just had to know more about this Hope character. 🙂 Anyways, I hope that this is not out of line, but I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to let you know that I understand where you are in how you are feeling right now.

    Time will reveal clarity in your uncertainties.

    I’ll see you next month.

    Try to have a Thanksgiving baby so that Daniel and I can see him! 😉

    • HOPEsaidit
      October 15, 2013

      Hey there!

      Thanks for the encouraging words. You weren’t out of line at all to contact me.

      The first thing you need to know is that Daniel and Grace have a history of lying about me. HAHA! I’ve heard great things about you, though, so we will see each other next month.

      According to how this baby is growing, I may have to have turkey dinner in the hospital or something, so who knows 😉

  • Chiquita E Singleton
    October 15, 2013

    Lol, okay. I look forward to it! 🙂

  • Grace
    October 17, 2013

    Oh please, everyone knows I’m a horrible liar. Lol. Yay for Thanksgiving family gatherings!!!

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