Germs, Gym, and Other Jazz

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What a week (or two) this has been! I try to write weekly, but last week was too hectic. And here’s why…


First off, Jayden had a cold. It wouldn’t have been so bad if his nose didn’t get so stopped up. At night, you could hear him struggling to breathe, which made him wake up off and on all night. And when he did wake up, it was a chore getting all the gunk out of his nose. ๐Ÿ˜ฏ (Ooops….hope you weren’t eating!)

Sick Jayden

“My eyes may look a bit puffy; but Devil, you can’t steal my joy today!”

You wouldn’t have known he had a cold by the way he acted, though. He was still laughing and trying to get into everything. (Exhibit A is on the left.)

That lasted for a good week, but now he’s a-ok. ๐Ÿ™‚


As for me and my new workout regimen, I’m still getting it in! In Jillian Michael’s 30-Day Shred, I have about 7 days to go. Level 3 has been kicking my butt, but I feel myself getting stronger. I didn’t take before or after pics, but surely there must be changes since I’m seeing progress in my performance, right? โ“

Either way, it’s a good way to stay active when I have no time. I’ll incorporate running at the nearby track again once I’m done with the program. I need to find a good strength training DVD to do on the off days though. Hmmm.. I’ll keep you updated on that.

Since I was told by my sister that my blog posts about working out are more of a “snoozefest,” I digress to my next subject. ๐Ÿ˜›

Other Jazz

Getting Jayden to sleep through the night by himself. Can someone give me that for Christmas, please?

He goes to sleep pretty easily, but staying asleep? Not so much. He’ll stand up in his crib at least once in the middle of the night so that someone will let him out. But if he’s carried to our bed or lies next to somebody, he’ll go right back to sleep with no issues.

At first, I thought he didn’t like his crib. But then, I got inside of his crib ๐Ÿ˜•ย  (yes, rewind that… I said I got inside of his crib) and he got right back down and fell asleep. His crib is actually quite comfy, by the way…

I stayed there until he was in a deep sleep and then planned my exit strategy.

Exiting quietly was definitely going to be a challenge.

He was lying on my arm, so I had to gently roll him off without waking him up. Then, I grabbed on to the crib railings to position myself in an upright squat and prepare to get my legs out.

And then there was a hiccup in the plan. Jayden was starting to wake up. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ <— how my face looked for real. LOL

So, like a gargoyle, I had to freeze. I was crouched down with one hand on each side of the railing.

He didn’t fully awaken, but he kept tossing and turning to get comfortable again. I knew that one false move would make his eyes pop wide open.

The problem is that he takes way too long to get comfortable, so I was catching a cramp in my legs and my hands were falling asleep. I did everything to keep myself from making a sound. ๐Ÿ˜

I guess my husband started to notice how long I’ve been gone, too.

I saw him peer into the dimly-lit bedroom and give a look like, “Where’d Hope go?” So, in the most deflicted (do people still use that slang?) manner, I raised my tingling hands into something that looked like a peace sign to let him know that I was in the crib. :mrgreen:

In a face that could only be translated to, “Oh my goodness, I married Lucy,” he shook his head and went back to sleep.

I escaped the crib shortly after, but Jayden still woke up 30 minutes later. What a waste of a getaway plan. ๐Ÿ™„

That let me know that it wasn’t the crib. He can sleep through the night with me on the ground, couch, bed, etc., but the key phrase is “with me.”

He’s getting way better than he has been, but we’re still working on it. Slowly but surely…

Anywho, any extra pointers will be appreciated. Just don’t advise for us to let him “cry it out.” Been there. Done that. His lungs win… every time. ๐Ÿ˜ก

  • Grace
    October 10, 2014

    Hahahahaaaa! Gargoyle!!! Wow…I laughed out loud on that exit-strategy part. And thank you for sparing us the workout routine. Zzzzzzzz *snort* zzzzzz… ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • HOPEsaidit
      October 11, 2014

      Thanks for your… ummm… brutal honesty. LOL.

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