My days are getting busier, so I can’t watch television like I want to. Oh but when I do, I make sure to tune in to my latest obsession—90 Day Fiancé. I told you about why I like it, so why aren’t you watching it? LOL! Other than the culture clashes, drama and sheer stupidity of ...
No Money, Still Problems
Money can’t buy you happiness, but you can’t get much by being broke either. We grew up with little to no money. We teetered more on the no money side, though. My parents were immigrants who came with $20 to their names and three children in tow. I was born about two years later. 👶🏾 My dad ...
Grain Grippin’ and Code Switching
I was idly scrolling through social media last week and stopped on a quote that resonated with me, especially since I feel like three people trapped in one body at times. “I act different around different people. I’m not fake. I just have my own comfort zone. That’s why I can only be completely myself ...
Why I Left the TV News Industry
When I was in college, telling people my major was in broadcast communications garnered one of two reactions: “Oh wow! So you’re trying to be the next Oprah?” or “News? That’s a dying industry!” To the first reaction, I’d always have to explain how I was a behind-the-scenes type of person who was more interested in ...
90 Day Fiancé: My Current Obsession
I don’t like to have drama in my life, so I guess the petty part of me makes up for that by watching reality shows. Not just any reality show. I mean.. I do have my standards. The main staples that I keep on deck are “The Real Housewives of .” I don’t watch the Dallas ...
Jobs on Jobs on Jobs (Part 1)
With the amount of jobs I’ve had in my lifetime so far, you’d think that I was either a workaholic or owed a lot of people some child support. (Neither is true.) Working, to me, meant more financial independence to buy and save for the future, so I entered the workforce a little earlier than normal. ...
So Now Africa’s Hot?
With the popularity of Black Panther, The Lion King and afrobeats, the African culture is on fire right now. I love that African-Americans are embracing their roots, but where was this energy when I was growing up? My mom stayed wearing tradition clothes. We were met with stares and people looking confused at her colorful ...
Always With a Side of Tea
Usually when people naturally have an unenthused expression on their face (read: RBF), strangers do not want to approach them. So why in the world does that not apply to me? I will be straight minding my business, and then someone will come from left field with a question or comment that turns into a full-on ...
The Christian Dating Scene Struggle
You know how some residential areas start out decent but then somehow turn into the ‘hood years later? That’s how I feel about the Christian dating scene right now. Talk about slim pickings! I know. You don’t want some married hag commenting on the dating scene, but for the sake of my dear single friends, it ...
The Why Behind My Winter Wonderland
I’m just going to continue with this post as if I haven’t been dormant for six months. I now realize how Jesus must feel when we repent and then do the same sin all over again. Help us, Lord! So the Christmas bug has hit the HOPEsaidit household. 🎄 I was determined this year to not say ...