90 Day Fiancé: Rules for International Dating

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It’s time for a “90-Day Fiancé” update!  If you don’t know what that is by now, shame on you! As I’ve told you on multiple occasions, “90 Day Fiancé” is a show about people who hit the internet to find their soulmate. Not just any soulmate—one from another country. So, depending on the franchise you’re watching, ...

Would You Have a Wi-Fi Wedding?

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Remember back in the day when online dating used to raise brows? I guess it still does for some people, but it’s not too alarming anymore to hear that a couple met through a website or on social media. I had a conversation the other day that let me know that people are taking this online ...

Happily Married but Living Apart

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Don’t be alarmed by the title. I don’t have an update to give about my marriage. LOL! But this is a topic that has been on my mind for a while. Can you be in a happy marriage but live in separate homes? 🤔 I’m not talking about going on a trip for a while. I'm referring ...

Will Your Relationship Survive the Quarantine?

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Dear Diary, The days have all ran together. I stopped counting after 10 sundowns. I pray this worldwide crisis ends soon.  The little ones have started taking over the house. We try fruitlessly to gain control of the abode, but it’s all for naught. The little ones have strength in numbers, and they know it. They’re on ...

Love is Blind: Watch It or Wait?

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“Oh my gosh. Hope, you have GOT to watch ‘Love is Blind.’ It’s a new series on Netflix. You’d love it.”  “What’s it about?” “Basically, it follows couples who chose each other based on conversation alone. The drama starts after they choose their matches and move into a house.” If you people think that I’m going to ...

Do Not Pass Go: 3 Relationship Deal-Breakers

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Happy Black History Month, everybody! ✊🏾 I hope you all are doing your due diligence to add your African-American factoids in conversations at home, school and the workplace. In honor of Black History Month, I’ll be speaking about a topic many of you said you wanted more of—black love. 🖤 Okay, so this week’s topic isn’t specifically ...

What I Wish I Knew Before I Got Married

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Starting the New Year was a time to reflect about different areas of my life while trying to improve upon others. As I asked around about New Year’s, I heard a consistent theme—building relationships. People want community. People want to have a circle of people who love them and have their back. And some people want ...

What’s a Date Night?

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You know how you think you’re making a connection with someone in a conversation and then it comes to a screeching halt? “Oh my gosh… life with kids is something else.” “I know, right? There’s no time to do anything anymore.” “Yeah… and time even talking with my husband is few and far between.” “Same here. All kids. ...

Joint Account…or Nah?

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Almost every marriage counselor will say that the top two things that cause divorce are communication issues and financial woes. It makes sense. When you can’t communicate well, the fights are either going to escalate quickly, or the silence from trying to avoid an argument will drift the couple further apart. And although the vows say ...