Won’t HE Do It?

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Ladies and gentlemen, if you love reading posts about my mishaps and unfortunate situations, this ain't the blog post for you! No laughing at my pain here! This is a good ol' fashioned praise report! :D So, I got a new job. Not just any job (because I wasn't about to leave my job until the ...

When’s Baby Number Two?

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The moment I told people that Jayden could walk, the response I received always hinted at having another kid. 8O "You know that means he's making way for the next child, right?" "He's just letting you guys know that he's ready for a sibling." "Now that he can walk, you need another crawler." ... as if these people are ...

Officially a (Tired) Working Mom

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I got through my first week back at work after my maternity leave. It wasn't as bad as I expected. There is a LOT of work for me to do, but I don't really mind that. What I do mind? The early mornings and long commutes. :mad: I wake up every morning at 4 a.m. (Yes, there's ...

Pregnant and Job Hunting

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Those words sound like they shouldn't even go together, right? Well, I did it anyways! Haha! (Hey, you can't be successful if you don't try, right?) At nearly six months pregnant, I tried to muster up the strength to look cute and professional AND hide my baby bump. Let's break this up into stages, shall ...