Daddy Daycare

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There’s definitely a difference between me watching the baby and my husband watching him.

The keyword here is “difference.” This post is not about a “right” or “wrong” wayโ€”it’s about the differences I’ve observed. ๐Ÿ’ก

“I’ll watch Jayden, babe. Don’t worry. I got him.”

That’s usually how it starts. And then I go off to either nap, or clean, or be on the phone. But by the time I’m half-way finished with whatever I’m doing, the house gets a bit.. ummm… rowdy. ๐Ÿ˜

I think to myself, “Is that a cry or laughter?”

Sounds like a little bit of both. And it does nothing but get louder… and louder… and louder. When it gets to the point where I can’t hear my own thoughts anymore, I make my way to where they are in the house and pop my head into the room.

This could turn out one of two ways:

  1. My husband is playing Madden (probably playing online with one of his friends at church), and Jayden is next to him on the Boppie pillow getting restless. ๐Ÿ™„
    In this scenario, I’d give him the “really?” side-eye, and his response would be, “What?? He’s fine. Don’t worry ’bout Jayden. He just wants to be loud.”ย ย  OR…
  1. My husband is trying to rock Jayden to sleep, using various positions, to no avail. ๐Ÿ˜›
    This usually results in me taking the baby and activating the “mommy touch” to get things rolling a little smoother.

In other words,

Learning Baby Pic

This is Jayden with me…

Incoming Baby Pic

… and this is Jayden with daddy.








In my husband’s defense, he is definitely the “roughhouser,” so at any given time, I will walk in to Jayden getting flipped around, spun upside-down, or being attacked by the tickle monster. ๐Ÿ˜†

I take the more calm approach by just holding him and smothering him with kisses. (This is where you guys say, “Awwww!”) ๐Ÿ˜‰


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