I’m Bringing Brainy Back…

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(In my Justin Timberlake voice) I’m bringing brainy back… Those other females don’t know how to act…

You know what’s annoying? Selfies.

Not the kinds that show off a new hairstyle or makeup look. I’ll even excuse a shot of an outfit, as long as it isn’t a poor excuse for a Playboy audition :?.

Cat SelfieI’m talking about the selfies that serve NO purpose—the kind that you just post daily because you want to test if that facial expression is cute or quirky. And then you have the nerve to act like there was a reason for you to post it with captions like, “Have a great day, loves!” 😐

The jig is up, folks. We already know what you look like… we know you’re just “feeling yourself” without trying to come off as being conceited (which you kind of are anyways)… nothing has changed except for the day. 🙄

And why is it that “say cheese” now means “face your butt to the camera and look back”? Ladies, you’re not going to snag your next husband like that. And if you have a husband already… ummm… keep that between you two.

It’s actually pretty pathetic once you think about it. Where’s the originality these days? Most of the clothes are the same—either skin tight, really short bottoms, or really low tops. Most of the hair is the same—six packs of 30-inch weave. And most of the makeup is the same—marker eyebrows, with a bright lip color, topped with spiders fake lashes. 😯 And don’t get me started on the duck lips…

Either way, I’m bringing brainy back because it should have never left in the first place. There is such a thing as being cute, smart, conservative, and classy.

Plus, you can’t live for “likes” and “followers” forever. As Proverbs 31:30 says:

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.

Everybody loves quoting it, but how about you actually start applying it? And if you think this post is about you, it is. 😉

(Crowd says, “Oooooooh!!!” I drop the mic, get off of my soapbox, and exit stage left. Then I remember I parked on the other side and exit stage right.)

  • Grace
    November 13, 2013

    Oooohhh…she said it, folks. Lol! Well, I’m not offended. I mean, I take new pics if I have a new hairstyle…or if I’m straight up feelin’ myself–but I don’t share them daily and of course I keep it classy. So, tell ’em!

  • Danielle
    November 29, 2013

    LOL! You always make me laugh with your post. It’s funny because it’s true. “Bringing brainy back” I like that!

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