Halloween Recap

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Boo HumbugWhat was I for Halloween? A pregnant woman. What did I do for Halloween? Turn the lights off and close the blinds, so that everybody knows we are not the candy house. (Yes, we were those people.)

I got asked, “Do you like Halloween?” so many times yesterday because of that. My answer was, “No, it’s not my thing. My family never celebrated it, I never dressed up for it, and that’s fine with me.” (We did attend some church fall festivals, though.)

My parents thought it best for our family to not partake in Halloween festivities. The celebrations surrounding the day was a bit too “dark” for our Christian household. Mind you, they’re Nigerian, and Nigerians know all that voodoo/juju business is no joke.

I used to hate being the “odd girl out” for not trick-or-treating with the other little kids, then I figured I can just go to the store and get my own candy… HA! (That’s all I cared about anyways.)

But by my teen years, I saw that Halloween was just a time for young adults to act a fool while being dressed up. Boys get in their ‘this is going to be so funny’ attire, and girls try to get away with wearing the skimpiest thing they can find. “This year, I’m being Miley Cyrus… from her ‘Wrecking Ball’ video.” 😯

I’ve come to find out—it’s just not my thing, but that’s just me.

If you party hard on Halloween, do your thing. If you don’t party hard, but want to dress up as an M&M for the office party, go ahead. If you’re a parent who’s just playing along so that you can parade around your child in the cutest outfit you could find, more power to ya!

All I know is for me, Halloween means one thing: November is the next day, which means Thanksgiving is a-coming, which means we’re less than a month away from my favorite holiday ever—CHRISTMAS! (You know, a holiday that actually has meaning… haha!)

I hope you guys were safe yesterday, but now I can officially call it the holiday season. DJ, cue “Jingle Bell Rock” to take us to break!

  • Grace
    November 1, 2013

    ….but Jingle Bell Rock. tho’?! Lol…

    • HOPEsaidit
      November 3, 2013

      Yup! The official theme song of the holiday (at least to retailers…lol).

  • Chiquita E Singleton
    November 8, 2013

    Well, as bad as this may sound, I enjoy taking G trick or treating so that I can enjoy the TREATS! It’s something about FREE candy. He sure as heck won’t be eating it all. And really, neither will I. I just like to have it to hold throughout the year for a fix every now and then. Never will I ever have to invest in another piece of candy. But I completely understand your parent’s point of view. I’ll stop being greedy eventually…maybe next year…maybe… 🙂

    • HOPEsaidit
      November 8, 2013

      Do your thing. If it works for you, then more power to ya! Lol.

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