Wanna Lose Weight? Have a Toddler

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"You won't be needing THIS anymore..."

“You won’t be needing THIS anymore…”

This may be the shortest post I ever do, but I’m so short on time.

While I was having dinner today, I realized somethingit’s so hard to eat when you have a one year old. I don’t know if Jayden is going through a growth spurt or what, but this kid will eat me under the table!

“Is that meatloaf? Let me taste it. You got yogurt? Mine! Chicken?! Gimme gimme gimme!”

Oh my goodness! By the time I look up, my plate is half gone and I could barely get a bite in.

Not to mention that he doesn’t realize how big he’s getting. So his (at least) 25-pound self is always asking to be carried.

Less food + more weight lifting = an in-shape momma. HAHA!

On another note, hubby and I (did I mention how ridiculous I think the word ‘hubby’ is?) are in serious talks of making an at-home gym a reality, so I’ll update you on how that goes. Off to research the best cardio machines!

I’ll fill you in on what’s new in my little ol’ life soon!

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