The Power of the Bump

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Rosie and Riveter preggersEven though I’ve mentioned how annoying people can be when commenting on my pregnancy, I also don’t think I’ve ever met people who treated me so kindly as when I was pregnant.

Yes, even on a late Saturday afternoon at Wal-Mart… Wal-Mart! (Can you tell I shop there a lot? Darn you, low prices!)

“Excuse me, ma’am. Let me get that for you.”

“Ma’am, I’ll open this line just for you. You don’t need to be standing for this long.”
(If you know anything about Wal-Mart, that’s like getting escorted to the V.I.P. section at a club.)

I can also go to any store and lounge wherever I want—even if there’s a sign that says: “Do not sit!”


I experienced just how powerful my bump was when I realized it can instantly change the attitude of rude people.

I went to a gas station recently looking for some snacks and saw a male employee who was crouched down to stock up the inventory. Apparently, they make aisles smaller then I remember because right as I walked passed him, I made about 10 packages of honey roasted peanuts fall on the floor.

As I began to pick them up, he mumbled something that sounded like, “Thanks a lot, lady.” (Ummm… excuse me. Do you not see me picking up my own mess?)

Do not pay others back evil for evil or insult for insult. Instead, keep blessing them, because you were called to inherit a blessing. – I Peter 3:9

Since I’m working on my patience, I breathed, slowly turned towards him (which revealed my bump), and said, “You good? I was already picking them up, so you’re welcome.”

His face turned 50 shades of red.

“Ma’am…. I… (stutter stutter)… let me get (mumble stutter).” And this was all as he was fumbling to get on his feet to come over to me.

All I could do was laugh to myself. By the time he reached me, the area was already tidy. As I walked away, all I could hear was a faint, “Oh man, I’m so sorry!”

Even if I weren’t pregnant, that shouldn’t have been the response I received; but at least my little man came to the rescue once again. And I got to learn firsthand that not going off on people sometimes feels better. Sometimes…. lol!

1 Comment
  • Chiquita E Singleton
    November 9, 2013

    Lol, That’s pretty good

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