My Fashion Sense: It Fits and It’s Clean

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I’m about 33 weeks now, and let me tell ya, little man has definitely had a little growth spurt.

Now, I can feel him lying there when I’m barely touching my stomach, and he is always making sure I remember he’s still there. And yes, my stomach is poking out a little more because of it. (I know… I know… you want SOME type of belly pic. I’ll post it in my next blog post. Promise!)

Fashion Sense

No judgement here, granny!

It’s funny how these changes have affected my morning routine—particularly my fashion sense.

I used to go in my closet, pick out some fitted jeans, find a cute shirt that fit my mood for the day, and be on my merry way thinking I’m halfway fly. 😉

Now? Heaven help me. I go in the closet, eyeball which outfits may still fit me and look decent on me, and then make sure it’s clean. No color preferences, no concern for style—I literally wear whatever (sorta) fits and whatever is clean. (That limits my wardrobe to about 10 outfits. Haha!)

Oh well… less than two months to go! I can see the finish line now. Must… make it… to… the tape.

1 Comment
  • Grace
    October 17, 2013

    Hahaaaaa…you gon’ make it gurl!!!

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